101.   If Sichuan cannot shed the burden of its money-losing state enterprises, Xiao may not be able to sweep enough streets to keep the restive population content.

102.   In his seven years in office, Menem sold off state enterprises, reduced the budget deficit and replaced protectionism and subsidies with a free-market economy.

103.   In his column, Barbosa Lima often lamented the far-reaching transfer of state enterprises to foreign concerns.

104.   In August, thousands of black workers marched to protest plans to privatize state enterprises.

105.   In particular, those who profited from the privatization of the state enterprises of the old socialist economy have to be brought to justice, he said.

106.   In particular, we should establish contact with younger Cubans entering into responsible positions in the state enterprises, government departments and universities.

107.   In many African countries, the privatization of state enterprises has brought bitter complaints from ordinary citizens.

108.   In order to achieve this, among other measures, the central bank prohibited state-owned banks from lending to loss-making state enterprises.

109.   In the most sclerotic state enterprises, the feeling is closer to dread.

110.   In the past, state enterprises had lifelong obligations to their workers, including living allowances and medical care for those laid off.

a. + enterprise >>共 719
state 18.41%
state-owned 7.51%
state-run 2.89%
commercial 2.86%
criminal 2.46%
new 2.44%
public 2.35%
small 2.12%
whole 1.87%
large 1.64%
state + n. >>共 633
official 6.11%
law 4.95%
government 3.70%
television 3.31%
radio 2.82%
court 2.51%
police 2.07%
visit 1.93%
legislature 1.68%
agency 1.48%
enterprise 1.16%
每页显示:    共 646