101.   Netanyahu and Arafat showed strength by attending.

102.   Now that the economy has recovered from its spring slide, consumer spending is showing newfound strength, posting the biggest gain in three months during August.

103.   Of course, corporate profits could show some strength in the coming weeks, and business fixed investment has to rebound at some point.

104.   Oil stocks showed strength this week.

105.   Oil stocks, which have generally showed strength recently, sold off Friday.

106.   On the bond side, funds that invest in long-term U.S. Treasury securities should show strength, Lipper analysts say.

107.   One area of the economy that continues to show strength is the jobs market.

108.   One semiconductor company continuing to show financial strength is the French-Italian company SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV.

109.   Other economic indicators are also showing surprising strength.

110.   On the plus side, commercial real estate and construction continued to show strength and rising crop prices boosted farm incomes.

v. + strength >>共 408
gain 11.15%
have 8.82%
show 7.69%
regain 4.40%
draw 3.62%
gather 2.87%
find 2.75%
give 2.45%
lose 2.33%
sap 1.58%
show + n. >>共 1032
sign 13.22%
interest 4.00%
support 1.59%
improvement 1.41%
picture 1.14%
emotion 1.13%
promise 1.11%
restraint 0.93%
footage 0.92%
willingness 0.91%
strength 0.80%
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