101.   Two weeks ago, the panel garnered scant attention when it passed a bill authorizing intelligence spending for the coming fiscal year.

102.   Until now, African art at the Met has basically meant figurative sculpture, with scant attention to popular, craft-based work.

103.   Up to now, the Schroeder government had given scant attention to rightist violence, concentrating its efforts on deregulating the German economy.

104.   We paid scant attention to the heat.

105.   When the American Bar Association called for a moratorium on the death penalty three years ago, the appeal attracted only a smattering of support and scant national attention.

106.   When Mrs. Gifford signed the deal, Wal-Mart already had a reputation for paying scant attention to the intricacies of product development.

107.   When the pupils were paying scant attention to a story, she put down the book with a flourish and heaved a theatrical sigh.

108.   While this is not exactly your stereotypical Latino celebrity look, the totally self-assured individualist pays scant attention to the superficial hoopla that swirls around her.

109.   Why and how this happened and why it has received scant attention was the theme of a recent conference at the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

110.   While Floridians have experienced catastrophic results from wind, storm surge and flooding, the tornado threat has received scant attention, the researchers say.

a. + attention >>共 692
medical 7.33%
national 7.18%
close 6.08%
public 5.74%
international 5.58%
special 5.50%
particular 3.22%
the 2.37%
scant 1.95%
full 1.71%
scant + n. >>共 324
attention 12.62%
evidence 8.33%
hope 2.49%
support 2.32%
interest 2.23%
information 2.23%
detail 2.06%
progress 2.06%
chance 1.89%
regard 1.63%
每页显示:    共 146