101.   The argument says in pure training terms is that that one is the best, because it actually says that training will be able to complete the form.

102.   According to what it says in books, you have to tread carefully right out on the edges of each step, where they are fixed against the wall.

103.   What have I said in those letters?

104.   In the past, the emphasis was on developing, manufacturing and marketing cars, Tpfer said in announcing the measure.

105.   It says in brackets, ask for comments.

106.   Poor Mr. Preston!

107.   As Lord Morris said in the Esso case these are helpful expositions provided that they are not used too literally.

108.   And God said not in my lifetime.

109.   Mao specifically said in April nineteen forty five that whoever argues absolute egalitarianism is wrong.

110.   He also said in evidence that the quote, parental contribution has been of fundamental importance, unquote.

v. + in >>共 995
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base 1.78%
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say + p. >>共 77
in 43.65%
on 17.36%
at 6.73%
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for 2.52%
with 2.23%
without 2.09%
of 2.00%
during 1.79%
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