101.   That is the line on the map the United States contends represents a safe distance from Kuwait.

102.   Talking in a low, soothing voice, and being careful to keep a safe distance, Fiero eventually coaxed the dogs into her fenced-in back yard.

103.   That way, cops can check out everything from drugs in a crack house to survivors of a bomb blast from a safe distance.

104.   The abstract paintings now hang a safe distance from the pastry oven.

105.   The administration has been widely perceived in the region as maintaining a safe distance to protect against the risks of a failed initiative.

106.   The challenge Andreessen faces now is to keep a safe distance ahead of Microsoft in the Web-browser market.

107.   The Confederates pulled back to safe distance and watched for an hour as the USS Dan burned down to its waterline.

108.   The Federal Aviation Administration insists that these repeated breakdowns have posed no threat to safety, because backup systems keep all aircraft a safe distance apart.

109.   The focus is now on the stopping ability of the J train and the spans between the signals that are supposed to keep trains a safe distance apart.

110.   The emergency meeting place is usually a tree or some other permanent marker a safe distance from the house.

a. + distance >>共 530
short 13.45%
long 8.25%
striking 7.45%
walking 6.86%
safe 5.88%
great 3.99%
greater 2.54%
driving 1.86%
same 1.83%
longer 1.77%
safe + n. >>共 665
haven 20.71%
area 13.07%
passage 8.79%
place 4.61%
distance 3.15%
bet 2.03%
return 1.96%
zone 1.76%
harbor 1.66%
deposit 1.52%
每页显示:    共 198