101.   He said rumors were circulating within FIFA that Blatter ordered the suspension of the audit investigation because it was uncovering evidence damaging to Blatter.

102.   However, Falouji later told reporters here that rumors were circulating, and it was uncertain if Ayyash had actually been killed.

103.   In both cases the shooters got away, but rumors circulated for years about possible suspects.

104.   Kuala Lumpur residents with access to the Internet said this rumor had been circulating for weeks in the form of a terse e-mail.

105.   Last week, crowds gathered to look at the sky when rumors circulated that Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani was flying over on a trip to Africa.

106.   Many of the rioters came from nearby sugar estates where rumors had circulated that the businessman offered large payments for human organs used in tribal healing rites.

107.   Military and police chiefs met Monday to try and prevent an ugly confrontation after rumors circulated that former army commander Brig.-Gen. Jerry Singirok would be arrested.

108.   Mohamed said rumors were circulating among some refugees that Rwandan troops were waiting to kill them when they crossed the border.

109.   Nevertheless, rumors have periodically circulated that Libyan leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi has sought Western expertise.

110.   Oddly, the same rumor had circulated at the University of Michigan when he left there.

n. + circulate >>共 293
rumor 18.46%
air 7.81%
report 5.27%
rumour 3.80%
story 2.43%
petition 1.69%
blood 1.48%
money 1.37%
proposal 1.27%
police 1.27%
rumor + v. >>共 237
be 32.68%
circulate 7.80%
have 7.09%
spread 5.66%
swirl 3.66%
abound 3.61%
fly 2.76%
persist 2.76%
begin 2.59%
surface 1.78%
每页显示:    共 174