101.   Tony Blair and Diana belong to a postwar generation, who speak a language far removed from that of the previous ruling class.

102.   To be sure, America and Europe also used to be run by tiny elites that functioned as ruling classes.

103.   What if the ruling class felt privileged to indulge their prejudices simply because they had the power to do so?

104.   While living among the privileged ruling class, Jefferson documents the unrest that eventually will lead to the French Revolution.

105.   Who ever thought a ruling class would look like this?

106.   Political legitimacy of the ruling class also comes under the spell of dark clouds.

107.   A clique of pro-communist and pro-business elites, handpicked by Beijing, will replace the outgoing pro-British ruling class.

108.   Adored by the poor but despised by the traditional ruling classes as power-hungry climbers, the Perons oversaw industrialization, founded hospitals and social welfare programs.

109.   An autocratic shipmaster, he believed he represented the ruling class by making decisions on his own.

110.   Because the conservative pro-business party has no apparent ties to the military, many hope it will lay the foundation for a modern ruling class in Guatemala.

a. + class >>共 1156
new 6.24%
english 3.33%
social 2.97%
recruiting 2.40%
same 2.11%
ruling 2.08%
smaller 2.01%
master 1.76%
cooking 1.70%
senior 1.68%
ruling + n. >>共 347
party 40.34%
coalition 15.34%
junta 2.90%
family 2.35%
class 2.12%
militant 1.95%
council 1.94%
official 1.94%
elite 1.70%
militia 1.69%
每页显示:    共 126