101.   Police found a Russian-made rocket launcher in a parked car in the capital city on Tuesday, along with grenades and an automatic weapon.

102.   Police had been searching Kilwilkie for three days straight, arresting five people and discovering two mortars, a rocket launcher and several guns.

103.   Police have seized three small caches of arms that included a rocket launcher, six machine guns and ammunition belonging to the former rebel group RENAMO.

104.   Police recovered a rocket launcher and gloves at the scene.

105.   Police said they found a rocket launcher and several automatic rifles in a laboratory where he was shot to death.

106.   Pakistan has supplied the army with multibarrel rocket launchers, which helped stop a Tamil assault on Jaffna.

107.   Others were on the streets of Kabul accompanied by block-long convoys packed with men cradling automatic rifles and rocket launchers.

108.   Overnight a police station was attacked by militants armed with rocket launchers, the authorities said.

109.   Pictures show Taliban rocket launchers firing and the aftermath of an air attack on Taliban positions.

110.   Police later raided a house believed to be a hideout for the unnamed group and seized an Uzi submachine gun, a rocket launcher and a handgun.

n. + launcher >>共 35
rocket 46.47%
grenade 37.67%
missile 8.79%
mortar 1.55%
satellite 0.95%
multiple-rocket 0.69%
tear-gas 0.52%
guerrilla 0.43%
rebel 0.34%
space 0.26%
rocket + n. >>共 236
attack 32.41%
launcher 19.63%
fire 5.68%
fuel 3.20%
scientist 2.62%
barrage 2.26%
booster 1.86%
science 1.82%
launch 1.64%
range 1.60%
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