101.   Though the release date changed several times, the disc finally hit the streets Tuesday.

102.   THQ spokeswoman Liz Pieri said the company has several other titles in development for the new console, but only Summoner has a release date right now.

103.   Titles and release dates are subject to change.

104.   Unless otherwise noted, the final release dates of the films previewed are not yet firmly set.

105.   When the studios were up against an imminent release date, or they had to labor under a demanding conductor, time constraints went out the window.

106.   Will include calendar of release dates and brief mentions of other titles of note.

107.   A release date has not yet been set.

108.   A release date for the album has not yet been set.

109.   As the release date nears, he conceded he may see the movie after all.

110.   Attorney Gerald Zerkin, who asked Gilmore for the pardon, said he was disappointed that the governor did not set a release date for Washington.

n. + date >>共 533
trial 13.72%
election 6.48%
court 5.61%
expiration 5.45%
release 4.16%
execution 3.55%
launch 2.82%
birth 2.76%
delivery 2.08%
start 1.97%
release + n. >>共 206
date 22.22%
form 5.49%
point 4.92%
schedule 3.09%
button 2.81%
order 2.67%
site 2.11%
waiver 1.83%
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