101.   What followed was a distinguished career as an educator helping many nontraditional students like herself realize their dreams.

102.   Wasserstein said he is realizing a dream of sorts.

103.   What unites Messrs. McQuillan, Troccoil and Handel is a love of flying planes and, at last, the leisure time and the money to realize their dreams.

104.   When he arrived here four years ago, his dream was realized, but his story is as sad as any.

105.   Woodworth is confident his dream will be realized.

106.   Otherwise, Gretzky has said, he wants to be traded so he can realize his dream of winning another Stanley Cup before he retires.

107.   People believe that worshiping the Ekkeko will help them realize their dreams, whether those include earning more money, buying a house or making a trip to Miami.

108.   All but one survived and realized their dream to come to America.

109.   An America that is educated, so every child has the keys to realize that dream.

110.   At a news conference before his departure from Amman, Yassin called on the world to help the Palestinians realize their dream of an independent homeland.

v. + dream >>共 424
have 19.37%
fulfill 6.98%
realize 6.38%
pursue 4.89%
live 3.35%
dream 3.07%
chase 2.56%
follow 2.00%
achieve 1.72%
shatter 1.68%
realize + n. >>共 377
dream 9.08%
mistake 5.83%
importance 4.64%
potential 4.31%
error 3.31%
goal 2.72%
value 2.58%
need 1.86%
saving 1.86%
fear 1.86%
每页显示:    共 136