101.   The court allowed the action to proceed, because the procedure was a valuation and not an arbitration.

102.   He said that if evidence and submissions are not present the procedure cannot be an arbitration.

103.   There must also, normally, be a procedure for making the new rule or amending an old one.

104.   If a procedure is prescribed for making the rule it must be followed, unless the procedure is directory rather than mandatory.

105.   There must be procedures for determining the market price for a contract at regular intervals, even in a thin market.

106.   Exchange and SRO disciplinary procedures are a hybrid between civil and criminal procedure.

107.   The taxation procedure is a method of assessing a reasonable rate of overall payment for the task carried out.

108.   This jurisdiction is not often used -- the normal procedure is for the Attorney-General to bring proceedings for contempt once the trial has concluded.

109.   There will commonly be ancillary documents, such as NHBC documentation, but otherwise the completion procedure is very simple.

110.   They allow contracting procedures to be standardised and streamlined.

n. + be >>共 1635
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official 0.55%
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procedure 0.05%
procedure + v. >>共 318
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have 2.36%
allow 1.76%
go 1.21%
work 1.21%
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