101.   Blatter said the shock elimination of France, Argentina and Portugal was the result of FIFA pouring millions of dollars into aid programmes for developing football nations.

102.   Dot-com start-up companies and major movie studios began pouring millions of dollars into digital media companies.

103.   They have poured millions into advertising their products, which have become an affordable source of western cache for an increasingly affluent population.

104.   Jakarta has poured millions of dollars into the territory to develop it but resentment against the Indonesian presence there remains high.

105.   Laughing and crying, millions of East Germans poured through the Berlin Wall one November night five years ago, triggering shock waves throughout communist Europe.

106.   Opponents accused Republican leaders of selling out to the powerful US gun lobby, which pours millions of dollars into the coffers of congressional allies.

107.   The government pours millions of dollars into staging the celebrations, while private sector companies sponsor competitions and various bands.

108.   The international cola majors pour millions into advertisements featuring Bollywood stars and cricket players.

v. + million >>共 751
spend 10.47%
make 4.64%
lose 4.42%
cost 3.58%
pay 3.18%
raise 2.58%
save 2.09%
earn 2.07%
have 1.95%
sell 1.86%
pour 1.66%
pour + n. >>共 461
money 9.88%
water 7.79%
mixture 7.08%
sauce 4.06%
million 3.05%
batter 2.29%
rain 2.12%
liquid 1.89%
oil 1.89%
billion 1.83%
每页显示:    共 107