101.   Many lawmakers oppose any payments, and recent polls suggest that a majority of residents share that opinion.

102.   Many polls suggest that Gore needs a boost with those unaffiliated voters.

103.   Many polls suggest that most voters like and respect him, but that many find him, in a sense, ideologically aloof.

104.   Merging the two bureaucracies could bring considerable savings, and polls suggest that two-thirds of Berliners support the merger.

105.   Most polls suggest that Reno can easily win the Democratic primary but would lose to Bush.

106.   National polls suggest that only seven percent of blacks today consider themselves Republican.

107.   Nobody knows what this will mean for the voters, who some polls suggest are only beginning to pay attention.

108.   Now the opposition is less deep, but polls suggest it is broader.

109.   Now, polls suggest Sinn Fein could become the top nationalist party in the general election this spring.

110.   Numerous public opinion polls suggest that Serrano hardly walks alone in his cynicism, ambivalence and despair.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
poll + v. >>共 355
show 41.06%
indicate 9.37%
be 7.27%
suggest 6.70%
find 4.71%
have 3.13%
say 2.87%
give 2.19%
close 2.09%
predict 1.19%
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