101.   A replacement pilot flew the flight four hours later.

102.   A pilot flew a small plane from Florida into Cuban airspace and dropped anti-communism pamphlets on Havana, Customs officials said.

103.   A pressurized balloon allows pilots to fly at much higher altitudes, where they can take advantage of stronger wind currents.

104.   Air force pilots could not fly over the area for reconnaissance missions because of bad weather.

105.   An initial analysis showed the pilot was flying at more than double the standard approach altitude.

106.   At least one aviation expert interviewed on television said it appeared the pilot had flown too low.

107.   Base officials said American pilots fly dozens of training missions over Italy every day.

108.   By comparison Western military pilots fly hundreds of hours every year.

109.   During testimony Tuesday, an Army helicopter pilot dismissed the notion that the pilots flew recklessly and with no regard to procedure.

110.   During the simulated attack exercise, pilots fly at treetop height, dodging and weaving to avoid simulated enemy missile attacks.

n. + fly >>共 1315
plane 10.81%
helicopter 8.85%
flag 5.78%
jet 3.09%
pilot 2.61%
aircraft 2.36%
airline 2.01%
team 1.75%
ball 1.42%
bird 1.38%
pilot + v. >>共 721
be 12.52%
say 5.23%
have 4.08%
fly 3.37%
report 3.35%
eject 1.89%
try 1.68%
see 1.36%
take 1.30%
make 1.21%
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