101.   Infected people have nearly three times the risk of fatal gastric cancer and double that of peptic ulcer.

102.   Prof Mahmud Hasan presented a survey report on peptic ulcer conducted in the country side.

103.   He has complained of severe pains, peptic ulcers and has problems in walking.

104.   He told the court he was not allowed to sleep even though he was ill and was suffering from severe pains and peptic ulcers and wanted hospital treatment.

105.   However, the study warned that chronic use of NSAIDS also has serious long-term side effects, such as peptic ulcers and impaired kidney function.

106.   An estimated five million Americans suffer from peptic ulcers each year.

107.   The research is focused on new treatment methods for the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which is viewed as one of the causal factors behind the development of peptic ulcers.

a. + ulcer >>共 101
duodenal 26.57%
peptic 19.74%
bleeding 13.28%
chronic 3.51%
recurring 2.77%
recurrent 2.40%
active 1.66%
perforated 1.48%
painful 1.29%
serious 0.92%
peptic + n. >>共 9
ulcer 73.79%
activity 11.72%
ulceration 6.90%
stricture 3.45%
lesion 1.38%
cell 0.69%
damage 0.69%
disease 0.69%
tryptic 0.69%
每页显示:    共 106