101.   The impasse between the Democratic president and Congress resulted in the second partial shutdown of the government in recent weeks.

102.   The new layoffs resulted from partial shutdowns of plants in Michigan, Kansas, Missouri and Ohio.

103.   The partial shutdown was ordered because of what was described as a credible threat to the embassy compound.

104.   Incidents of sporadic firing and a partial shutdown were reported in other Sindh cities of Nawabshah, Sukkur and Mirpurkhas.

105.   But they were pleased at the agreement among Republican leaders of Congress on a temporary financing bill to avoid a third partial shutdown of the federal government.

106.   Clinton said he would veto the new stopgap spending measure proposed by the Republicans to end the partial federal shutdown that began Tuesday.

107.   Congress and Clinton locked horn over the budget last year, forcing two partial shutdowns of federal government agencies and offices.

108.   Clinton vetoed the first such extension, called a continuing resolution, on Monday, triggering a partial shutdown of the federal government Tuesday.

109.   During the trial period Daya Bay was forced to completely shut down at least three times for repairs and there were several partial shutdowns.

110.   Federal employees who were patient with a shorter partial shutdown in November have been angered by this second, longer furlough.

a. + shutdown >>共 169
partial 18.07%
temporary 8.12%
federal 6.72%
second 2.66%
automatic 2.52%
complete 2.52%
latest 1.96%
first 1.82%
previous 1.82%
possible 1.82%
partial + n. >>共 733
government 4.03%
withdrawal 3.76%
shutdown 3.49%
result 3.28%
privatization 2.44%
nudity 2.36%
victory 2.33%
tear 2.14%
sunshine 1.87%
birth 1.52%
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