101.   Posada Carriles was arrested Friday after Castro arrived in Panama for a regional summit and announced that old enemy was in town and planning to kill him.

102.   The attacks sharply raised tensions in the region, jeopardized the peace effort and led to a new round of recriminations between old enemies.

103.   Taylor says the rebels behind the new conflict are his old enemies from the civil war.

104.   Ten Islamic parties signed a power-sharing agreement that made Hekmatyar prime minister and his old enemy, Burhanuddin Rabbani, president.

105.   The Americans keep their eyes fixed on their old enemy.

106.   The fire ant, capable of killing allergic people and livestock, is about to get reacquainted with an old enemy.

107.   The old enemies will clash in neutral territory on Tuesday in a Super Six game, but the atmosphere will be anything but neutral and certainly subcontinental.

108.   The partnership offers former Soviet bloc states a form of cooperation with its old enemy, NATO.

109.   The main catalyst in bringing the members together has been the end of Cold War, which has old political enemies all over the world considering new economic ties.

110.   The respect between the teams was at such a high level that old enemies Johnson and Mourning exchanged a fist slap prior to tipoff.

a. + enemy >>共 497
former 11.37%
political 8.81%
worst 6.11%
bitter 4.91%
old 4.60%
common 3.76%
sworn 3.09%
natural 2.49%
new 1.83%
potential 1.72%
old + n. >>共 1367
friend 4.16%
day 3.78%
one 2.74%
woman 1.55%
people 1.29%
system 1.26%
way 1.20%
house 1.18%
building 1.06%
lady 0.87%
enemy 0.35%
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