101.   Burmese intelligence sources have denied that an offensive was in the works, saying only that government troops were performing routine security patrols along the border.

102.   But diplomatic sources here and in Port Moresby doubt a full scale offensive is under way.

103.   Defence sources said that the military offensive was aimed at taking out LTTE mortar positions which had been used in recent weeks to attack the airfield at Palaly.

104.   The offensive is the second by the Croatian army in three months.

105.   The offensive was ongoing with possible Bosnian troops advances northwards in the Majevica area.

106.   The spokesman said there was no offensive against the city before the KDP retreat.

107.   The relentless Serb offensive was in defiance of a call for an immediate ceasefire from the UN special envoy for the former Yugoslavia, Yasushi Akashi.

108.   The second offensive was especially popular because it ended shelling of the coast and meant the restoration of electricity to portions of southern Croatia.

109.   The Taliban offensive was, according to many Kabul military sources, succesfully achieved after a pro-Rabbani commander sold his defensive position.

110.   The UN force could not say Wednesday whether the Bosnians really hoped to change the configuration of the frontline or whether the offensive was a political bargaining move.

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