101.   Indeed, they may be the oak tree.

102.   It has big drafty houses, oak trees with roots that pull up the sidewalk, evergreens grown too tall for their posts near the front doors.

103.   It hit a high-up limb of a large oak tree and left a narrow, blackened path of ripped bark as it sought the ground.

104.   It is a neighborhood of older houses, narrow streets bordered by oak trees draped with Spanish moss.

105.   It is climbing oak trees and is all over a stone wall.

106.   It must have been more fun for earlier representatives casting acorns at each other, as well as their votes, beneath the old oak tree.

107.   It is heavily shaded by white and red oak trees.

108.   It grows well in dry part-shade, for instance under oak trees, where few other plants will thrive.

109.   Its fifth-floor cupola, columned porches, sun decks and wide windows command outstanding vistas of crystal blue water and giant oak trees.

110.   It will end in June with a wedding under an old oak tree.

a. + tree >>共 1042
oak 4.74%
fallen 4.06%
olive 3.10%
small 2.79%
large 2.51%
old 2.24%
tall 2.07%
cherry 2.05%
falling 1.80%
uprooted 1.74%
oak + n. >>共 175
tree 31.19%
barrel 7.92%
leaf 5.28%
table 4.15%
floor 3.52%
cask 2.14%
death 1.89%
paneling 1.64%
door 1.51%
scrub 1.26%
每页显示:    共 247