101.   When a name becomes too memorable, it is replaced by another one of the same gender.

102.   In a decade in Brussels, the name Delors has become synonomous with the European Union worldwide.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
name 0.27%
name + v. >>共 536
be 49.49%
come 3.53%
appear 3.53%
identify 3.29%
imply 2.09%
suggest 1.67%
have 1.66%
mean 1.49%
become 1.43%
surface 1.25%
每页显示:    共 101