101.   There is no appeal after military trials.

102.   The U.S. State Department has asked Peru to give her an open civilian trial, arguing that her summary military trial denied her due process.

103.   They are the first defendants to face military trials for non-violent charges.

104.   Three U.S. soldiers captured by Yugoslav forces in Kosovo will face a military trial on Friday, the state news agency reported.

105.   U.S. officials have asked Peru to give Berenson an open, civilian trial, arguing that a closed military trial that found her guilty denied her due process.

106.   We have court scenes, tight security in tourist areas of Egypt and soundites of human rights lawyers critical of military trials.

107.   Verdicts from military trials can only be appealed to the president, who has turned down all pleas for clemency.

108.   For the past decade the Egyptian government has referred civilians suspected of belonging to Islamist organisations to military trials.

109.   Forty-nine other Moslem Brothers have been on military trial since mid-September.

110.   He added, however, that there were no plans to hold military trials there.

a. + trial >>共 426
clinical 13.61%
new 9.12%
fair 6.84%
criminal 4.83%
first 4.61%
olympic 2.79%
second 2.62%
civil 2.49%
federal 2.10%
separate 2.04%
military 1.15%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
trial 0.15%
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