101.   He also became known for his songs criticizing the military junta of Gen. Sani Abacha, as well as earlier military regimes in Nigeria.

102.   He also denied he had a part in writing the constitution enacted under the military junta.

103.   He said frank talks are needed between democracy supporters, ethnic minorities and the military junta to bring peace.

104.   He said the NLD members informed the EU officials about the so-called confidence-building talks between Suu Kyi and the military junta.

105.   Her release has raised hopes that the military junta is willing to make concessions to the pro-democracy movement.

106.   Her ordeal brought worldwide sympathy and harsh Western criticism of the military junta.

107.   His military junta sent in tanks and armed troops when tens of thousands of citizens rose up in Kwangju demanding an end to military rule.

108.   His televised address came hours after the military junta appointed him to replace Gen. Sani Abacha, who died Monday of a heart attack.

109.   Human rights and pro-democracy groups have repeatedly denied such accusations, saying they are designed by the military junta to silence its opponents.

110.   If anything, it is the economic problems which put the greatest pressure on the military junta.

a. + junta >>共 70
military 47.42%
ruling 18.34%
burmese 10.85%
former 5.16%
haitian 1.79%
ousted 1.58%
senior 1.58%
nigerian 1.05%
current 1.05%
top 0.84%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
junta 0.54%
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