101.   Two road maintenance workers died on Friday after inhaling methane gas as they repaired a hole in a Moscow road, police said.

102.   Use of garbage to produce methane gas has received attention from several industrial undertakings in the US.

103.   For the flame came from deadly methane gas, apparently seeping up from mine-workings beneath the tiny community of Arkwright.

104.   Doctors said he would undergo treatment to neutralize the methane gas he had inhaled.

105.   The techniques would include tapping methane gases from industrial effluent, generation of power from bagasse or plant residue, wind energy and solar-thermal energy.

106.   The volcanic lake Kivu is also reputed to be rich in methane gas.

107.   It consists of carbon dioxide compounds, produced by methane gas which in turn is generated by microbes when subjected to intense pressures and temperatures.

108.   Methane gas is a colorless, odorless flammable gas produced by decomposing organic matter in mines.

109.   Methane gas is a colorless, odorless, flammable gas produced by decomposing organic matter in mines.

110.   Police officers said the explosions were probably caused by methane gas in the underground sewer lines or adjoining electric cables.

n. + gas >>共 187
greenhouse 37.57%
methane 7.98%
petroleum 4.38%
hydrogen 3.60%
chlorine 3.25%
sarin 2.68%
exhaust 2.33%
propane 2.33%
cyanide 2.05%
nitrogen 1.69%
methane + n. >>共 48
gas 49.78%
explosion 9.25%
emission 2.64%
fire 2.64%
hydrate 2.64%
level 2.64%
production 2.64%
concentration 2.20%
blast 1.76%
ice 1.76%
每页显示:    共 112