101.   THE medical definition of menopause refers to the cessation of the adult female menstrual cycle.

102.   The Sri Lankan track federation cleared her of the drug charges after she said she used the drug to control her menstrual cycle.

103.   The study used female cynomolgus monkeys, which have a menstrual cycle similar to that of women.

104.   They reported an increase in the irregularity of their menstrual cycles.

105.   Three patches, each worn for a week, are used during a menstrual cycle.

106.   When researchers wiped the secretions from one group of women under the noses of other women, the second group showed changes in their menstrual cycles.

107.   Women whose menstrual cycle is disrupted during strenuous athletic training simply might not be eating enough, a new study suggests.

108.   Women in the study who received Xanax took it for only part of the menstrual cycle, and none got addicted on the tranquilizer, researchers said.

109.   With the computer, women need only enter information about their menstrual cycle.

110.   Women taking the contraceptive injection still have monthly menstrual cycles.

a. + cycle >>共 494
economic 9.96%
menstrual 6.56%
vicious 5.84%
new 3.46%
natural 2.44%
endless 1.91%
previous 1.85%
current 1.79%
reproductive 1.73%
next 1.43%
menstrual + n. >>共 23
cycle 56.70%
cramp 11.34%
flow 5.15%
problem 5.15%
pain 3.61%
blood 2.58%
irregularity 2.58%
fluid 2.06%
discomfort 1.55%
leave 1.55%
每页显示:    共 109