101.   Park your car close to the meeting place.

102.   Prescott Lee is chief executive of eCircles.com, an Internet service which builds virtual meeting places.

103.   Ricisak believes the formation served as a meeting place or a stockade for animals or slaves.

104.   Schultz sees the Web as a key meeting place in the lifestyle of the future, and he plans to be there.

105.   Sauer said that throughout biblical history, mountains have been the meeting place between men and God.

106.   Set a meeting place outside the house that all members of the family know to go during a fire.

107.   So corporate places have begun to fulfill the function that public spaces once did, serving as everything from playgrounds to meeting places.

108.   Spain was a natural staging area and meeting place for al-Qaida.

109.   Some pray openly in churches with neon signs, while others change their meeting places constantly to avoid detection.

110.   That preference for an isolated meeting place seemed to find reflection in the stilted, rehearsed quality of the comments of many of the Northerners Thursday.

a. + place >>共 708
second 7.66%
first 6.84%
third 5.72%
public 3.05%
fourth 2.51%
good 2.49%
right 2.35%
last 2.27%
only 2.11%
same 1.75%
meeting 0.97%
meeting + n. >>共 311
room 18.59%
place 17.07%
hall 7.97%
site 4.71%
demand 2.46%
ground 2.26%
point 2.06%
people 1.73%
came 1.33%
house 1.06%
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