101.   The maximum punishment for the crime is dismissal from the service.

102.   The maximum punishment for causing hurt is five years jail, a fine and caning.

a. + punishment >>共 405
corporal 7.58%
severe 6.58%
harsh 4.59%
collective 4.50%
maximum 4.42%
possible 2.86%
appropriate 2.08%
tougher 2.03%
physical 1.99%
harsher 1.99%
maximum + n. >>共 587
sentence 15.35%
penalty 13.76%
security 5.53%
life 2.62%
amount 2.48%
punishment 2.36%
number 2.22%
point 2.20%
alert 1.83%
prison 1.67%
每页显示:    共 101