101.   The party is led by Thaksin Shinawatra, a telecommunications tycoon who promises business-style efficiency in government.

102.   The party is led by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who has visited Libya in recent years and praised the rule of Moammar Gadhafi.

103.   The petition drive was organized by the Alliance for Change, an umbrella group of leading opposition parties.

104.   The party of a former authoritarian prime minister, Vladimir Meciar, is leading other parties, according to recent polls.

105.   The party is currently led by former premier Tansu Ciller.

106.   The party is led by President Sylvestre Ntibatunganya, whom the students and other radical Tutsis accuse of sympathizing with majority Hutus.

107.   The party also re-elected Dragan Kalinic to lead the party for the next four years.

108.   The Social Democrats also voted in lawyer Peter Starck to lead the party in the Bundestag.

109.   The ruling party is led by lieutenants of Radovan Karadzic, who cannot run because he is suspected of war crimes by the U.N. tribunal.

110.   The Social Democrats also voted in lawyer Peter Struck to lead the party in the Bundestag.

v. + party >>共 936
ban 3.88%
throw 3.22%
leave 3.22%
join 2.80%
have 2.36%
lead 2.22%
hold 2.09%
attend 2.05%
switch 1.88%
represent 1.63%
lead + n. >>共 844
way 5.64%
team 5.53%
decline 3.20%
league 2.78%
group 2.61%
delegation 2.14%
country 2.04%
nation 2.00%
charge 1.84%
effort 1.81%
party 0.79%
每页显示:    共 149