101.   A new state law banned electrocution and made lethal injection the only execution method available in Ohio.

102.   A parliamentary committee approved a bill Tuesday that would regulate prostitution in Israel, where prostitutes are tolerated because Jewish law does not ban the profession.

103.   A Russian law largely bans repatriating booty art, seen by Russians as just compensation for an estimated several hundred thousand items destroyed or lost during the Nazi occupation.

104.   A state law bans walkouts by educators.

105.   Although no law bans transplants from brain-dead donors, the lack of legislation explicitly permitting them has left surgeons afraid to perform them.

106.   American law bans the export of marine mammals, and very few countries permit the hunting of the species in their waters.

107.   An existing law specifically bans foreign contributions to candidates and the FEC has ruled that the statute also applies to unregulated soft money given to the political parties.

108.   An Egyptian law bans the sale of items which ridicule religions.

109.   As Russian law bans business activities in the adoption field, they are acting through proxies.

110.   Because the law bans foreign business activities in the adoption field, they act through Russian intermediaries.

n. + ban >>共 387
government 18.97%
law 9.04%
authority 8.07%
police 4.32%
bill 3.10%
state 2.52%
sanction 2.48%
court 2.29%
official 2.13%
treaty 1.90%
law + v. >>共 527
be 14.23%
require 10.82%
allow 7.46%
prohibit 4.86%
make 2.67%
give 2.41%
apply 2.12%
bar 2.04%
forbid 2.00%
have 1.84%
ban 1.57%
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