101.   The planes have HARM missiles that can detect the tracking radar of anti-aircraft launch sites and ride the beam down to the transmitter before exploding.

102.   The Russian-German crew is due to land early Sunday at the Baikonur launch site in the former Soviet republic of Kazakstan.

103.   The Plesetsk launch site in northern Russia was upgraded Monday in a move that could eventually mean pulling the manned space program out of neighboring Kazakhstan.

104.   The report, dated Tuesday, did not say where the launch site was or whether a target lift-off date had been set.

105.   The rockets were found at the launch site from which two were fired at the security force this weekend, Maj. Can Oz Tuaf said.

106.   The Soviet Union built Baikonur as its primary launch site.

107.   The team making the latest bid to fly a balloon nonstop around the world called off their launch Sunday because of strong winds over the Outback launch site.

108.   The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported Friday that North Korea has begun construction on at least five underground ballistic missile launch sites near its borders with China and South Korea.

109.   They have staged near-nightly demonstrations since Thursday outside the launch site in Vega Baja.

110.   Today, alliance warplanes bombed missile launch sites today near Bihac.

n. + site >>共 646
crash 10.42%
construction 7.97%
test 3.03%
weapon 2.80%
storage 2.54%
tourist 2.14%
auction 2.12%
missile 1.44%
accident 1.39%
bomb 1.31%
launch 1.23%
launch + n. >>共 185
site 14.95%
date 12.12%
attempt 3.62%
party 2.94%
service 2.49%
time 2.38%
facility 2.27%
day 2.15%
market 1.81%
delay 1.70%
每页显示:    共 131