101.   Most of the actors worked for scale, Craven says, attracted by the opportunity to play larger roles than they can get in Hollywood.

102.   Nowhere have these new outfits played a larger role than in Angola, which has been embroiled in civil war for most of the past two decades.

103.   None played a larger role than Martin H. Glynn.

104.   Olajuwon also can have a larger role in the low post.

105.   Now, members of Congress are asking whether the federal government ought to play a larger role in managing the supply of vaccine.

106.   Now, though, Canoilas will play a much larger role.

107.   One of the central ironies is that Japan has long yearned for a larger role in Asia.

108.   One reason commodities are less reliable in predicting inflation is their role in the economy has fallen as service industries take a larger role.

109.   Ong said he hopes the numbers will emphasize the larger role Chinese Americans are playing in society.

110.   Overseas production will play a larger role for automakers.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
larger 1.36%
larger + n. >>共 1040
company 3.05%
number 2.64%
role 2.15%
group 1.93%
issue 1.85%
one 1.82%
share 1.76%
problem 1.20%
question 1.12%
amount 1.07%
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