101.   Authorities have also arrested independent labour leader Muchtar Pakpahan under the same charges.

102.   Authorities have arrested PRD leader Budiman Sujatmiko, several other party members and independent labour leader Mukhtar Pakpahan.

103.   Band leader Peter Cunnah joined the chorus of praise for Labour leader Tony Blair.

104.   Besides Sujatmiko, independent labour leader Mukhtar Pakpahan was also arrested and charged with subversion following the riots.

105.   Beilin, who is a dovish candidate to replace Shimon Peres as Labour leader in party elections in June, arrived in Amman earlier Tuesday.

106.   Besides PRD activists, the authorities also arrested independent labour leader Muchtar Pakpahan after the riots and accused him of subversion.

107.   Businessmen at the conference gave the Labour leader a muted reception.

108.   But Blair was likely to face potential embarrassment Thursday as a giant chicken hired by the Tories to pester the Labour leader was set to swing into action.

109.   But his action infuriated Labour leader Tony Blair, who threatened disciplinary measures.

110.   But Labour leaders said he would not be given control of the Shin Beth internal security services, which will remain under the supervision of the prime minister.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
labour 0.26%
labour + n. >>共 366
party 7.95%
leader 7.53%
government 6.19%
cost 4.38%
movement 4.03%
force 3.80%
camp 2.88%
shortage 2.34%
group 2.23%
standard 2.19%
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