101.   There is naturally a lot of talk in these books about the possibility of machines duplicating the operations of the human mind.

102.   There was the crossing, or exceeding, or simply the stretching of the indeterminate boundaries of the human mind and spirit.

103.   To ignore religion hobbles the human mind, says Rice University religion scholar Werner H. Kelber.

104.   UNDATED - The human mind has an astonishing proclivity for finding patterns.

105.   What about the questions this raises about our ability to decipher the human mind?

106.   What little I know of the human heart and the human mind I learned long ago from television.

107.   When they were lying, crawling, or walking around by the thousands, it surpassed anything the human mind could imagine.

108.   Will the millennium bring ways of downloading the contents of a human mind into a computer?

109.   With the human genome in hand, the way is open, at least in principle, to discover how it shapes the architecture of the human mind.

110.   Yes, they are convenient, but do they represent the collective human mind?

a. + mind >>共 622
open 11.36%
in 5.80%
right 5.13%
human 4.67%
young 2.99%
public 2.72%
great 1.75%
sound 1.56%
inquiring 1.56%
creative 1.24%
human + n. >>共 1015
life 3.11%
body 2.93%
remains 2.45%
shield 2.19%
embryo 2.17%
error 2.08%
genome 1.88%
cell 1.46%
brain 1.33%
resource 1.33%
mind 0.62%
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