101.   Parallel to the summit, non-governmental organizations and others plan to hold a conference of their own in the Danish capital.

102.   Peng disappeared just before midnight Saturday after boarding a taxi on her way to the hotel where the Democratic Progressive Party was holding a conference.

103.   Pretoria, South Africa -- Afrikaner Volksfront, a grouping of pro-apartheid white organizations, holds a conference.

104.   Previous attempts by non-governmental organizations to hold conferences about East Timor in the Philippines and Malaysia were stopped by arrests and deportations.

105.   Police said that Palestinians were not allowed to hold such conferences in Jerusalem.

106.   A conference was also held among groups involved in AIDS prevention, the China Youth Daily said.

107.   A conference will be held next month.

108.   A conference will be held in Washington in November to assess progress on the art and insurance fronts.

109.   A planning conference will be held next week in Geneva.

110.   A smaller conference was held in New York.

v. + conference >>共 339
attend 26.11%
hold 9.64%
address 5.51%
organize 4.22%
host 3.61%
sponsor 3.32%
open 2.97%
boycott 2.68%
tell 1.77%
plan 1.74%
hold + n. >>共 711
talk 13.23%
meeting 4.85%
election 4.61%
hearing 3.09%
hand 1.51%
position 1.44%
rally 1.24%
discussion 1.20%
office 1.17%
service 1.16%
conference 0.60%
每页显示:    共 297