101.   Three Israeli soldiers were injured earlier when their vehicle hit a mine planted by Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

102.   Israeli mortars pounded suspected Hezbollah militia positions on Wednesday after three Israeli soldiers were injured when their vehicle hit a mine in southern Lebanon, security sources said.

103.   Israeli mortars pounded suspected Hezbollah militia positions Wednesday after three Israeli soldiers were injured when their vehicle hit a mine in southern Lebanon, security sources said.

104.   Itar-Tass also said a Russian soldier was injured on Thursday when his armoured vehicle hit a mine near Shali in southeastern Chechnya.

105.   Last week, two IFOR soldiers and two others injured were killed when their car hit a mine in northern Bosnia.

106.   Meanwhile, Thai officials said that Phnom Penh had lost two high-ranking officers Thursday when their tank was destroyed after hitting a mine.

107.   Most Russian mines were hit by a strike for a second day on Friday in a protest against months of delay in paying millions of dollars of wages.

108.   Meanwhile in the Balkans, three British troops were presumed dead after their vehicle hit a mine in central Bosnia.

109.   Military officials were quoted as saying a military truck hit a mine near Gulu on Thursday.

110.   On Sunday three British soldiers were killed when their armoured vehicle hit a mine in the west Bosnian town of Mrkonjic Grad.

v. + mine >>共 281
hit 7.52%
plant 6.95%
clear 6.14%
lay 5.64%
remove 4.95%
close 3.95%
ban 2.76%
use 2.57%
operate 2.07%
find 2.01%
hit + n. >>共 887
ball 5.35%
two 2.61%
homer 2.42%
target 2.11%
ground 1.75%
three 1.72%
market 1.53%
wall 1.52%
road 1.50%
shot 1.40%
mine 0.51%
每页显示:    共 119