101.   As described by Judson in his book, the goal was to create an aircraft carrier made of ice in the middle of the North Atlantic.

102.   As Seo outlines in his book, he places equal emphasis on looking good, doing good and feeling good.

103.   As Welch notes in his book, GE, of Pittsfield, Conn., passed on a number of Silicon Valley acquisitions.

104.   As he and hundreds of other delegates waited in line for Quayle to autograph his book, Veres said he was troubled by speech after speech against abortion.

105.   As he explains it in his book, the Palestinians lost the war and heeded the misguided advice of their leaders to leave their homes.

106.   As he explores, it is his own nearly poetic insightfulness and his generosity of spirit that keep his book on track.

107.   As they talked about how to get his career restarted, Arnett showed them proofs of his book.

108.   As usual, dePaola fills his book with promise and hope, and he gently demonstrates how the American family is becoming more diverse.

109.   As Rybczynski points out in his book, Olmsted saw the grandeur of Yosemite as a powerful civilizing force.

110.   As Stein makes clear in his book, the Shakers never shunned modern technology, using the railroads to ship their products to market and later buying cars.

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