101.   Confusion, in fact, is to be expected when the source of information is memories and documents that date back half a century.

102.   Could this really spell the end of tension between two forces at odds for half a century?

103.   Cook, hardly the lithe ingenue of half a century ago, may be physically rotund, but she holds the stage with decisive, stolid grace.

104.   Covering almost an acre, the galleries are the largest project at the museum in half a century, and were built with both private and government funds.

105.   Democratic gains in the House and Senate Tuesday fell short of control but produced the most narrowly divided Congress in almost half a century.

106.   Despite posting its highest revenues ever, The Boeing Co. Tuesday reported its first annual loss in half a century.

107.   Despite several exhaustive surveys, no one has seen a grizzly bear in this region for more than half a century.

108.   Despite the efforts of nearly half a century, effective ballistic missile defenses remain a long-term goal, not a reality.

109.   Direct corporate and union contributions to federal candidates have been banned for more than half a century.

110.   Drucker has been chucking for half a century.

a. + century >>共 235
half 31.95%
new 15.72%
past 9.73%
double 2.24%
last 2.15%
coming 1.78%
maiden 1.69%
old 1.46%
american 1.33%
second 1.19%
half + n. >>共 210
century 29.81%
hour 27.76%
point 6.95%
mile 3.16%
day 3.11%
year 2.99%
inch 1.62%
decade 1.41%
minute 1.32%
chance 1.11%
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