101.   Few Nauruans still know how to fish and without land to grow crops, most live off processed western-style canned and processed food.

102.   Every rainy season now lowland paddies are buried to grow their crops.

103.   Growers have insisted that the government help them grow alternative crops if it insists on destroying coca plants.

104.   He cited proposals for treatment, educational campaigns and incentives to farmers to grow alternative crops.

105.   In California, the farms were generally there first, and depend on irrigation to grow crops on eight million acres of otherwise arid land.

106.   In the past, the Taliban have refused to implement a complete ban on poppy growing, saying they need international money to help farmers grow alternate crops.

107.   In Tolima province, the government is trying to wean peasants off poppy-growing by offering aid to grow legal crops.

108.   It also encouraged farmers to grow substitute crops.

109.   It seems that everyone is now being asked to grow food crops and to undertake livestock and fishery projects.

110.   Karzai pledged Thursday that his country would eliminate the cultivation of the narcotic crop by providing limited payments to farmers to grow other crops.

v. + crop >>共 363
damage 7.39%
destroy 6.87%
grow 6.87%
harvest 6.30%
plant 5.92%
produce 2.56%
sell 1.89%
protect 1.85%
threaten 1.42%
raise 1.28%
grow + n. >>共 823
beard 5.65%
crop 4.60%
vegetable 2.95%
plant 2.89%
business 2.10%
hair 1.87%
food 1.68%
cell 1.68%
concern 1.30%
demand 1.24%
每页显示:    共 144