101.   Nowadays, big companies recognize the greater flexibility and creative potential of smaller firms, and are likely to form alliances rather than swat them aside.

102.   One of the advantages of an IRA over the alternative plans is that you have greater flexibility of investment choices.

103.   Other bills that failed gave all counties greater flexibility in providing some social programs.

104.   Pataki likes the concept in principle because it would theoretically give the states greater flexibility to determine which of their residents should benefit from welfare and Medicaid payments.

105.   Saudi Arabia, which has struggled with budgetary problems in recent years, now has greater financial flexibility to handle lower oil prices.

106.   Siebe also said the new loan gives it greater flexibility in organizing its international finance, tax and other costs.

107.   Some will leave the business world for the teaching and counseling fields, but many who stay will gladly trade higher salaries for greater flexibility.

108.   States and municipalities will get greater flexibility to move people from welfare rolls to private payrolls.

109.   States are given greater flexibility to use the money as they see fit.

110.   State Department officials also wanted greater flexibility in dealing with individual cases.

a. + flexibility >>共 194
greater 31.38%
financial 5.85%
new 5.51%
maximum 4.84%
increased 3.37%
great 2.81%
considerable 2.36%
pricing 1.57%
additional 1.46%
state 1.12%
greater + n. >>共 946
risk 2.46%
role 2.38%
number 2.34%
autonomy 2.29%
access 1.92%
freedom 1.77%
flexibility 1.63%
cooperation 1.54%
power 1.46%
control 1.35%
每页显示:    共 277