101.   The fine was three times what she would have paid if she had reported the merchandise to customs.

102.   The fines are crucial to the stability of the common currency, economists said.

103.   The fines were comparatively small, apparently because the stewards heeded evidence that the horses were exposed to hay and straw mixed with jimson weed, which contains scopolamine.

104.   The fine is the approximate cost of the additional investigative work that was required after the speaker provided false and conflicting information to the ethics committee.

105.   The fine is to be contributed to a nonprofit organization, preferably one that helps drug addicts, the agency said in its statement.

106.   The fine was five times the amount sought by Graco, and one of the highest levied against a news organization.

107.   The fine was one of the biggest ever levied by the NASD against a brokerage firm for engaging in unethical mutual fund sales practices.

108.   The fine was the third largest ever levied by New York against an insurance company.

109.   The fines are among the biggest ever paid on Wall Street.

110.   The department said the fine is the largest ever imposed against a food-processing firm in Maryland.

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fine + v. >>共 144
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