101.   Such ardent anti-abortion figures like Habiger say they are simply exercising their right to free speech and say their critics are trying to censor them.

102.   Steve Forbes has an obligation to explain why a repellent figure like Thomas Ellis has ANY role in his campaign.

103.   Such a convergence would be extraordinary even for a composer more central to the operatic repertory and is scarcely conceivable for a truly peripheral figure like Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.

104.   The composers here run the gamut from elder statesmen like Ned Rorem, Lou Harrison and Lee Hoiby to younger figures like Robert Maggio and the late Chris DeBlasio.

105.   The evening gown she had found in an obscure little dress shop shimmered like silver, and sheathed her slender figure like a second skin.

106.   The loss of a figure like Earnhardt brings a different kind of glare down on the leaders of NASCAR.

107.   The large undecided vote is also probably bad news for a well-known party figure like Dole.

108.   The idleness of both men for identical periods was a tradeoff that favored the Rangers and impressed authority figures like assistant coach Dick Todd.

109.   The other view is that the Dodgers, in desperate need of a public relations boost, will turn to a national figure like the controversial Valentine.

110.   The other is talk of a new Israeli coalition government led by Netanyahu but also including Labor Party figures like former Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

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figure + p. >>共 102
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