101.   The facts are not ones involving different beliefs about what is honest and what is not.

102.   The definition excludes a deception as to opinion but fact is a wide term.

103.   Of more immediate interest for this study is the fact that this way of regarding the infinitive throws new light on uses such as discussed above.

104.   But the fact was that the world did not change as de Gaulle had predicted.

105.   Prima facie the facts were similar to those in Antoniades v Villiers but the Court of Appeal found a licence.

106.   The facts here being admittedly extreme, the Court of Appeal could dismiss this suggestion without difficulty.

107.   The facts were quite straightforward.

108.   The fact was that the guns had been there and Owen had missed them twice.

109.   He may or may not have reached it, but the fact is he did not try where as Chapman would have been flying in there.

110.   The sad fact is that dolphin-friendly labels were a commercial decision by companies looking to protect their profits, not dolphins.

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official 0.55%
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fact + v. >>共 280
be 66.23%
remain 6.03%
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come 1.01%
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emerge 0.84%
seem 0.80%
get 0.67%
show 0.60%
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