101.   Passengers told him the bag had been left by a man who entered the area, sat for five minutes, then left, police said.

102.   Planes were barred from the air space above the plant, and Montana Rail Link halted its trains from entering the area to avoid sparks.

103.   Police also are using hand-held metal detectors to check pedestrians entering restricted areas.

104.   Police checkpoints around Mecca and neighboring holy areas made sure only Muslims entered the areas.

105.   A law requring black men to obtain special permits to enter white areas was extended to women that year.

106.   A reporter for The Associated Press was stopped from entering the area.

107.   A spokesman for the rescue services said heavy exchanges of fire were preventing ambulances from entering the area.

108.   A tense standoff began earlier this month when North Korean fishing boats entered the area escorted by naval warships.

109.   Activists and two photographers pleaded innocent Monday to charges involving an attempt to stop a U.S. missile defense test by entering an area closed for a rocket launch.

110.   After letting nature take its course, he said, Australian engineers could enter the area and determine if water supplies will be safe enough to ever allow resettlement.

v. + area >>共 728
leave 4.17%
search 2.80%
cover 2.79%
visit 2.64%
patrol 2.46%
enter 2.42%
flee 2.30%
reach 1.79%
hit 1.70%
clear 1.55%
enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
plea 4.74%
game 3.51%
market 3.16%
building 2.54%
race 2.41%
room 2.11%
area 1.71%
house 1.52%
politics 1.48%
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