101.   House Sponsor Rep. Senfronia Thompson, a Houston Democrat, accepted a Senate provision giving counties with smaller populations easier access to state money to prosecute hate murder cases.

102.   Human rights groups point out that jerrybuilt homes and additions remain standing throughout Jewish Jerusalem, partly because residents have easier access to authorities.

103.   In the long run, the Mercosur countries hope to gain easier access to the EU for their agricultural goods.

104.   Increased armed robberies and carjackings in Zambia have been blamed on easier access by thieves to weapons smuggled from neighboring Congo.

105.   Information is the raw material of knowledge and everybody has easier access to it than ever, thanks to the Internet.

106.   Inmates have won easier access to post-conviction DNA testing.

107.   Inmates now also have easier access to post-conviction DNA testing, a reform backed by Perry and both parties.

108.   India also announced Tuesday that it will consider ways to allow Nepali goods easier access to Indian markets.

109.   It provides many basic protections for consumers, such as easier access to specialists and the ability to keep the same doctors if employers change health providers.

110.   It will provide easier access to bank records, the sharing of information across borders and adopt a common investigative procedure among members states.

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