101.   Teresa Edwards lost a team but also shed a demanding dual role and has found renewed energy as the American Basketball League tips off its third season Thursday.

102.   That would prohibit Smith Barney from serving a dual role, Pennzoil said.

103.   The ads make Coca-Cola Light the catalyst for cooling hot climates and for quenching thirsts, a dual role reminiscent of Miller Genuine Draft beer ads by Bates USA.

104.   The biggest problem was expected to be determining just how much power Holmgren would have in his dual role of GM and coach.

105.   The dual role, she says, gives oil companies a stranglehold on prices.

106.   The dual roles fit hand in glove.

107.   The hottest star on the planet this minute handles a dual role and the big-name cast around him with remarkable aplomb.

108.   The National Football League Players Association, like other sports unions, functions in dual roles.

109.   The Patriots have interviewed four potential head coaches, but none of them was offered the dual role of general manager, as Belichick was.

110.   The positions being decided are similar to American governorships, except that the victors hold dual roles.

a. + role >>共 848
key 5.90%
important 5.27%
major 4.40%
active 3.94%
new 3.38%
leading 3.03%
greater 2.04%
central 1.97%
prominent 1.58%
significant 1.57%
dual 0.78%
dual + n. >>共 441
citizenship 12.92%
role 9.53%
nationality 6.33%
purpose 2.95%
system 2.03%
headquarters 1.97%
function 1.60%
career 1.41%
airbags 1.35%
currency 1.29%
每页显示:    共 154