101.   But they really want to help kids and do some good.

102.   But, critics say at least some of the aid to Israel could do more good in other places.

103.   But unfortunately, it does no good.

104.   But what good would it do to argue with the Holy Tuna?

105.   But what good would it do, now?

106.   By the way, he was asked, did that temper tantrum last week in Landover do any good?

107.   Byrnes said she believes the crackdown has done some good, though she acknowledged that eliminating fraud entirely will likely remain an elusive goal.

108.   But, on balance, the law has done more good than harm.

109.   Cardinal Law, who has done much good for the people of Boston, now has a sadly tarnished reputation.

110.   Clinton had criss-crossed most of those states in a frenetic eight-day campaign swing but it did no good.

v. + good >>共 182
do 50.58%
have 6.83%
take 2.66%
see 2.55%
find 1.16%
get 1.16%
bring 1.04%
produce 0.93%
serve 0.93%
pretty 0.81%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
good 1.06%
每页显示:    共 434