101.   Just the same, if a future consultancy with the industry he is charged to help government with is a distinct possibility, he too will lose his objectivity.

102.   Neptali Franco, chair of the ERB, raised the distinct possibility of an oil price hike before Congress convenes for a special session on Friday, Jan.

103.   On current indications, the reappearance of storm cones is looking a distinct possibility.

104.   The ACA said its revised pay claim had been rejected by board officials during an hour-long meeting Friday and strike action was now a distinct possibility.

105.   The distinct possibility is, therefore, that retrenchment amongst middle management may accelerate.

106.   The large field means a runoff is a distinct possibility.

107.   The government is less than a year old, but political analysts say early elections, probably next year, are a distinct possibility.

108.   The private sector is at a point where bankruptcy has become a distinct possibility, if not guaranteed.

109.   They have slight majority in the Majlis, making impeachment a distinct possibility.

110.   Toilet paper is a distinct possibility, Baen said.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
distinct + n. >>共 649
possibility 6.02%
advantage 4.99%
personality 2.96%
group 2.22%
difference 1.93%
minority 1.88%
impression 1.83%
culture 1.68%
style 1.48%
disadvantage 1.48%
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