101.   Eventually, the trainer came to Van Worp to complain that too many of the partners disagreed about the management of the horse.

102.   Even when they agreed to disagree about the forthcoming negotiations, they were cute about it.

103.   Experts disagree about whether extra estrogen increases the risk of breast cancer.

104.   Experts disagree about whether the drugs would speed death.

105.   Experts disagree about the additional cost of more efficient central air conditioners and the size of the benefits.

106.   Experts disagree about what consumers should look for in bottled water.

107.   Experts disagree about whether the group is still dangerous.

108.   Experts disagree about whether to allow them to stay completely dry or just nearly dry during the rest period.

109.   Executives familiar with the venture said the partners also disagreed about which companies should supply equipment.

110.   Experts also disagree about how fast the economy will grow during the next half century.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
disagree 0.86%
disagree + p. >>共 23
on 48.63%
over 24.66%
about 19.49%
in 1.81%
as 1.62%
among 1.43%
without 0.62%
for 0.31%
after 0.25%
to 0.25%
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