101.   One factor helping Republicans is that more Democratic incumbents are leaving Congress, particularly in the GOP-trending South.

102.   Only one Democratic incumbent, Robb, is considered at risk of losing his job.

103.   Political analysts now rank Boxer as one of the two most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in the Senate this November, along with Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois.

104.   Preliminary analysis shows that Republicans could win half of the seats, and perhaps three or four more as Democratic incumbents retire.

105.   Polls currently show Tierney, the Democratic incumbent, with a double-digit percentage point lead.

106.   Q. What about in some of the Southern states where Democratic incumbents are facing close races--Georgia and Louisiana, for example?

107.   Rep. Sam Gejdenson, the Democratic incumbent in the eastern portion of the state, won his rematch with Edward W. Munster.

108.   Ray, a resident of Rumson, N.J., is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Robert Torricelli, the Democratic incumbent.

109.   Republicans had cited Lautenberg as one of seven Democratic incumbents vulnerable enough to lose and give the Republicans control.

110.   She ran for the state Senate against a Democratic incumbent when she was told she would lose.

a. + incumbent >>共 156
democratic 24.48%
republican 22.82%
popular 3.87%
congressional 3.18%
vulnerable 2.21%
longtime 2.21%
current 1.52%
black 1.52%
the 1.24%
only 1.11%
democratic + n. >>共 530
candidate 5.81%
leader 5.70%
reform 4.34%
nomination 3.09%
senator 2.47%
primary 2.37%
nominee 1.81%
election 1.49%
lawmaker 1.42%
president 1.42%
incumbent 0.85%
每页显示:    共 176