101.   UEFA says Tuesday its lawyers believed its foreign player restriction still applied to teams outside the European Union, whose own court has declared it illegal.

102.   UEFA said Tuesday its lawyers believed its foreign player restriction still applied to teams outside the European Union, whose own court has declared it illegal.

103.   HAMAS has been declared illegal in the United States, which has an extradition treaty with Israel.

104.   He said the strike would be declared illegal because the two opposition labor groups that called the strike have no legal standing.

105.   All street motorbike races have been declared illegal in Vietnam and subject to stiff penalties, even if they only involve two bikes, a report said Tuesday.

106.   All were declared illegal and destroyed by bulldozers or dismantled by men armed with axes and gas cutters.

107.   British Steel wants the aid declared illegal and repaid to the Irish government, the FT said.

108.   Five hundred troops could eventually be drafted in to ease the impact of the strike which the government has declared illegal.

109.   The new Cuban law also declares illegal any efforts to cooperate with enforcing the US law, including information exchanges.

110.   The rally was declared illegal by the authorities who sent soldiers and policemen to disrupt it.

v. + illegal >>共 14
make 57.84%
declare 21.49%
consider 7.59%
deem 5.01%
call 2.58%
find 2.58%
judge 0.81%
keep 0.65%
label 0.32%
pronounce 0.32%
declare + a. >>共 313
dead 9.06%
bankrupt 7.87%
unconstitutional 6.69%
illegal 6.55%
ineligible 4.58%
invalid 3.10%
off-limits 3.05%
ready 3.00%
unfit 2.76%
eligible 2.56%
每页显示:    共 132