101.   None of this is a problem as long as new loans keep coming in, at ever increasing rates, providing fresh profits to cover the losses.

102.   Now they are frantically covering their losses.

103.   Officials said they did not know why Leeson began making the unauthorized transactions, but speculated that he might have been trying to cover a loss in another account.

104.   OPIC risk insurance, for example, covers losses due to currency risk, expropriation and political violence.

105.   Other portions of the charge cover losses on investments in broadband and technology ventures.

106.   Previously the government ran up a fiscal deficit by covering Central Bank losses.

107.   Revenue coverage protects farmers against price fluctuations and losses in crop yields, while conventional policies only cover yield losses.

108.   Scudder spokeswoman Eleanor Mascheroni declined to discuss whether insurance covers the losses.

109.   She predicted other insurance companies would call moratoriums on new policies in order to remain solvent as they cover mold losses.

110.   Since utilities were encouraged by the government to make such investments, some say those losses should be covered to keep them competitive.

v. + loss >>共 682
suffer 8.96%
take 3.57%
offset 3.48%
cause 3.23%
report 3.05%
post 2.58%
cover 2.54%
face 2.08%
pare 2.07%
cut 2.00%
cover + n. >>共 1321
cost 5.58%
face 2.56%
area 2.27%
head 1.61%
loss 1.60%
wall 1.50%
expense 1.39%
event 1.08%
body 1.06%
ground 1.06%
每页显示:    共 249